The Minister of Human Settlements, Mmamoloko Kubayi has noted with concern a disturbing video by the Democratic Alliance (DA) that is doing rounds on various social media platforms. The video shows the DA leader John Steenhuisen walking about at Conradie Park, a government-sponsored social rental housing project in the City of Cape Town, claiming that social housing is the DA’s “living policy”.
Conradie Park is a government project built in terms of a long standing national policy which promotes rental housing in the towns and cities of the country. The Social Housing Regulatory Authority (SHRA), an entity falling under the Department of Human Settlements (DHS), funds the development and regulates the sector. The SHRA has been in existence for 12 years, promoting spatial integration whilst at the same time allowing households earning between R1 870 and R22 000 to access quality affordable housing in well-located areas.
The National Department provides grant funding, through SHRA and the NHFC, to subsidise the development of social rental housing. The NHFC is currently the largest provider of loan funds for development of social rental housing. To date, approximately 26 875 units have been developed with a total approximate contribution by the National Department valued at R5, 895 billion.
In the period 2019-2024, the SHRA is expected to facilitate the delivery of 18 000 social units. This includes developments in Conradie Park in Cape Town, Townlands in Pretoria, Garena in Limpopo, and Westonaria Borwa in Gauteng.
“It is disturbing and politically expedient for the DA to claim that this housing programme is as a result of DA policy, and Conradie Park is a project of the DA. It has neither the policy nor funding to implement such projects. It is national government and its entities that has done so. This project has been designated a National Priority. We strongly condemn what the DA is doing, using public and government programmes for narrow political gain. It displays a lack of integrity and ethic,” said Minister Kubayi.
The funding breakdown for the first phase of the Conradie Park Project, which has been completed and occupied, is as follows:
● National Consolidated Capital Grant - R142,944 million
● NHFC Debt funding: R46,058 million
● City of Cape Town Grant Contribution : R5,980 million
● Social Housing Equity Contribution: R3 million
The total cost of developing Conradie Phase One is approximately R197, 930,623.
“The DA must not mislead South Africans and the people of the Western Cape in particular as it is dishonest to present government programmes and projects as their own,” added Minister Kubayi.
Media Enquiries: Hlengiwe Nhlabathi-Mokota, Spokesperson: Ministry of Human Settlements on +27647548426 or email