Minister Sisulu and Celebrities to Hand Over Houses at Savannah City

Members of the media are cordially invited to join Human Settlements Minister, Lindiwe Sisulu and the MEC for Human Settlements at the Celebrity Build hand-over ceremony at the Savanna City, in the Sedibeng District Municipality on Friday, 23 September 2016.

Savannah City is one of the Department of Human Settlements’ integrated projects and it straddles at least three municipalities, the District of Sedibeng, Midvaal and Johannesburg.

Savanna City is a R24 Billion project which will yield more than 18 000 integrated units with different tenure options like BNG houses, rental and bonded units when complete.

Celebrity Build programme was launched last year, 2015 where a number of prominent South Africans including actors and musicians participated in the event to show their support for Government’s efforts to improve the lives of people in South Africa.
It is part of Government’s efforts to provide decent housing for needy people and restore people’s dignity by ensuring that they enjoy the right to adequate and quality shelter.

The Minister will be joined by the Deputy Minister of Human Settlements Zou Kota-Fredericks, Executive Mayor of Sedibeng DM, Cllr B. Modisakeng and the Executive Mayor of Midvaal Local Municipality, Cllr. B Baloyi

Department will also embark on a consumer education campaign to educate beneficiaries on how to care and maintain their houses, greening their environment and various human settlements programmes offered by the Department.

Details of the event are as follows:
Date: 23 September 2016
Time: 10:00 am
Venue: Savanna City housing project

For enquiries contact: Ndivhuwo Mabaya 083 645 7838
For R.S.V.P Contact:


Press Release Date: 
Tuesday, September 20, 2016