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The National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC)

The National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC) is a regulatory body of the home building industry. Our goal is to assist and protect housing consumers who have been exposed to contractors who deliver housing units of substandard design, workmanship and poor quality material. 

The Social Housing Regulatory Authority (TSHRA)

The Social Housing Regulatory Authority (the"SHRA") was established in August 2010 by the Minister of Human Settlements in terms of the Social Housing Act, No. 16 of 2008. The SHRA is classified as a public entity in terms of Schedule 3A of the Public Finance Management Act. The SHRA will regulate and invest to deliver affordable rental homes and renew communities. 

The Property Practitioners Regulatory Authority (PPRA)

The Property Practitioners Regulatory Authority (PPRA) primary mandate includes, among others, regulating the affairs of all property practitioners; allowing for transformation in the property sector and to ensure consumer protection against undesirable practices and conduct of property practitioners. 

The National Housing Finance Corporation (NHFC)

The National Housing Finance Corporation (NHFC) is one of several Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) created by the South African Government to sustainably improve on the socio-economic challenges of the country. The developmental financial focus of the NHFC is specifically about finding workable models on affordable housing finance for the low- and middle-income target market. 

Housing development agency

The purpose of the agency is to identify, acquire, hold, develop and release state and privately owned land for residential and community purposes and for the creation of sustainable human settlements. 

Mandated to provide a dispute resolution service for community schemes, provide training for conciliators, adjudicators and other employees of the service, regulate, monitor and control the quality of all sectional title schemes governance documentation and to take custody of, preserve and provide public access to scheme governance documentation 