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Evaluation Reports

Name of the Evaluation Summary of the Evaluation Documents Year
Impact Evaluation of Housing Chapters of the Integrated Development Plan

Impact Evaluation of Housing Chapters of the Integrated Development Plan.

The evaluation was conducted between November 2018 and September 2019. The evaluation entailed a mixed-method approach including a combination of structured reviews, online surveying, workshops and interviews with a scientifically representative sample of municipalities.

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Implementation Evaluation of the First Home Finance


The First Home Finance Programme was introduced in 2005 with an intention to provide access to adequate and affordable housing for the low to middle income households.

In 2018, the NDHS made some significant changes in the Programme’s implementation guidelines, with the objective of improving the low uptake of the programme.

In 2020 the project to carry out the implementation evaluation of the performance of FLISP was initiated. The purpose of this implementation evaluation of the Programme was to appraise the Programme’s implementation after the latest revisions, with a view of measuring and understanding its contribution towards achieving Outcome 8 in this current MTSF period.

The Upgrading of Informal Settlements Programme (UISP) was instituted in 2004 to deal with the process and procedure for the in situ upgrading of informal settlements. The next phase of this process involves the upgrade of 1 500 Informal Settlements to Phase 3 in the 2019-2024 Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF).

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Baseline Evaluation of Informal Settlements Targeted for Upgrading in the 2019 – 2024 MTSF

The purpose of the evaluation is to ascertain the profile and status of the informal settlements targeted for upgrading in the 2019-2024 MTSF period.

The overall aim of the project is to collect baseline data on informal settlements targeted for upgrading and to classify the settlements in terms of the various criteria, which relate to the features of these settlements.

Social Housing is rental or co-operative accommodation, held by Social Housing Institutions (SHIs) or Private Sector Landlords (PSLs) over a long period of time. It excludes individual ownership by residents.

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Design and Implementation Evaluation of Rental Housing tribunals in Provinces

The purpose of the evaluation was to assess the performance of the intervention as well as resolve challenges facing the implementation of the intervention. The evaluation achieved the following:

1) Understand the legislative environment that governs the RHTs.

2) Understand the challenges that affect the RHTs.

3) Strengthen the implementation and improve the performance of the RHTs.

4) Assess the performance of the RHTs.

5) Assess the measurable outcomes and impacts on the landlords and tenants that the RHTs assist.


Specifically, the scope of the evaluation was as follows:

1) A comparative study of the Tribunals in provinces.

2) An appraisal of whether the intervention is being implemented according to the design.

3) An assessment of the institutional arrangements, relationships or partnerships that have been triggered by the Tribunals between three (3) spheres of government and its communities.

Longitudinal Impact Evaluation Of Upgrading Of Informal Settlements Project (UISP)

A baseline study was conducted in 2012 and 2013 during which a total of 78 informal settlements scattered throughout the 9 provinces were surveyed to establish baseline data and to inform the upgrading initiatives of the DHS and other role-players including provincial and municipal authorities.

To track the effect of the upgrading initiatives in different settlements which formed the subject of the baseline study, a longitudinal impact evaluation was commissioned in 2019 and 2020 and a sample of 47 informal settlements derived from the baseline study formed the subject of the impact assessment.

Rapid appraisal of the consolidation of the regulation part of the NHBRC, CSOS, SHRA and EAAB

The appraisal had to determine whether the regulatory functions can be consolidated, or not, to ensure cost-effectiveness and the achievement of positive outcomes.

Evidence generated and gathered through this appraisal enabled the service evaluation to make recommendations, intended to strengthen the functions and effectiveness of the regulatory bodies.

The objective was to analyse the logic and consistency of the institutions and their regulatory functions. The study also aimed to identify potential overlaps and duplication. The results intended to contribute towards improvements in efficiency.

A professional team of researchers have been appointed by the National Department of Human Settlements to conduct an evaluation of the design and implementation of the Rental Housing Tribunals in provinces.

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